This past week has been crazy here in Denver with the DNC here in town. I work in the same building where Obama was staying which made for a long week of being searched coming into the parking garage every morning, street closures, and crowds of protestors. Despite the hassles, I enjoyed the hype and even got to rub elbows with some famous people.
Even though I'm not a Democrat, I was thrilled to partake in the various festivities around town.
Right outside my office, I saw Hillary Clinton come out of her hotel and shake hands with the mob on the street. I strolled on out and shook the crazy ladies hand and enjoyed every second of it.
I also got to sit at a table and each lunch right next to Mike and Kitty Dukakis, with Walter Mondale straight across from me. We were all at a luncheon tribute to George McGovern. Other notable people present were Tom Daschle, Gary Hart, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, and Tom Brokaw. It was fun!
Finally, while I was walking down the street with a friend of mine, I asked him if he'd seen anyone famous yet. He replied, "No, but that Michelle Obama right there!" I looked over, and there she was about 10 feet away from us, sitting in the back of a black SUV stopped in traffic. She heard him say that and looked at us to see if we were a threat. Instead of expressing my political views in an inappropriate way, I smiled and continued down the sidewalk. We had a pretty good laugh about it as we went on our way.