One reason I love my job is that the kids keep me laughing every day. Sometimes I have to turn around and face the whiteboard to not show them that I am holding back the giggles. This year I am trying to write down some of the funny things they say and do because I always forget! I hope you get a laugh out of them, too!
1. David came into visit my class for the first time. I asked the kids if he looked like they thought he would. The students all said, "No". I asked, "What did you think he'd look like?" One of the students replied, "I thought he'd look rich!"
2. When trying to drag the truth out of a student, I was asking him if something that another student did to him could have possibly been an accident. He finally replied, "I remember! It was half on accident and half on purpose, and they morphed together!"
3. When discussing what heirlooms our great-grandparents passed onto us before they passed away, one student said, "It was from my grandma. She passed out too."
4. After watching an introduction video on magnets, one of my very enthusiastic students was truly crying with excitement about magnets when I turned the lights back on.
5. Student: What is the name of this state?
Me: Pennsylvania
Student: Oh, that's where they make pencils!
6. Try to decode this phrase that a student wrote: akshiwol vertion of phonix
7. As a student was reading the lunch choices for the day, he said, "Oh, I always thought that sandwich was
girl cheese".
There's never a dull moment as a teacher!